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When did you choose your life of wisdom?

When did you choose your life of wisdom?


I walked around without knowing when it was happening, and after what was happening happened, I understood why these things happened

 My job is to create a world of Shaivism, a world of compassion, a world of non-violence, a world of meditation.

I received the training for that when I worked for 10 years at the Coromental Company. I did not have an office job there, but a marketing job there.

I wandered from town to town. That is what is very useful to me now. If I had been born only to meditate, I would have been born near the Himalayas.

Since I was born for the purpose of meditation, the company gave me money and gave me training. I am grateful to my mother and father and my company for this.

I have wandered around 20 towns every day. That is what has given me the training to roam now

We are the creator of our lives, after we are born, after we leave the stage who belongs to us?

Once Arjuna wept for the death of Abhimanyu. Veda Vyasa sent Arjuna to meet his son in the upper world with his penance.

Abhimanyu asked Who are you? Here, after the drama is over, we have no connection with it.

How did the music of your flute give you the strength to meditate?

My father is not interested in music. He says, will music earn you money? My mother has a taste for music, and I got that art from her.

Isn't that why I should have chosen my mother as my mother.


Although I did not know it when I studied music, now I realize its importance for the life of soul meditation.


Why do Krishna, Osho and Sufi masters also play this flute?


How can I carry other instruments like the Veena while walking? It is not heavy; I can even carry it in my hand. It is quite easy to carry.


Maybe it is because it enchants the mind?


All instruments enchant the mind. Its practice is the reason for its sweet music.


Born in a traditional Brahmin family, why do you say that there is no need for pujas?


Swami Dayananda Saraswati was a great Vedic scholar. He himself said that going from town to town and performing pujas is of no use.

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