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What is meditation?

What is meditation
What is meditation

There are different opinions about meditation. Some think that meditation is a practice of breathing, some think of stilling the body, and others think that meditation is a practice of concentrating the mind. Actually,Meditation is not an act. Meditation is a state of awareness. And there is also liberation from the mind. This should happen naturally.


History tells us that the Buddha also attained enlightenment through meditation after giving up his quest. To understand this, we need to know about the functions of our body and mind. The body works for a maximum of 8-10 hours in a day. Then we give it a rest. But the mind never rests. We do not give it rest. So, the body gives us sleep for the rest of the mind. Here the mind rests but that rest happens in unconsciousness.


Meditation is the relaxation of the mind with awareness. Any movement needs rest. It helps in re-energizing. A vehicle or electrical equipment will lose its energy quickly if it is working without rest. This meditation of sleep without sleep is essential to renew ourselves. It is an internal technique. For this one should first close the eyes and get used to relaxing the mind with awareness. Then you should open your eyes and get used to stopping the activity of the mind in between doing any work.


If the activity of the mind is used to stay in the present without going to any past or future, its control will be in our hands. If the mind works in this way, it does not suffer from lack of energy. The Buddha's meditation method of observing the breath as the initial activity of the simple Anapana Sati meditation method will help us a lot.

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