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Message of All the Enlightened Masters is one and the same

Message of All the Enlightened Masters is one and the same
Message of All the Enlightened Masters is one and the same

When we  do a lot of meditation. And lot of contemplation. Lot of reestablishment will develop in ourselves. Understanding the Buddha nature in everybody. Understanding the Buddha nature in our own selves. Buddha Nature is everywhere. When you contemplate on the Buddha nature of every being you become a Buddha. Meditation is the way of contemplation of a Buddha. Meditation happens when you are with your breath. No mantras whatsoever. No preconceived ideas whatsoever. The mind must be sweeped off all ideas. There should be no thoughts, no ideas. No issues in the mind. Mind should an empty plate. That automatically happens when you are with your breath


You sweep your mind of all the rubbish that is there in it. Your opinions, your judgements. Your preferences. Your evasions. All these things are rubbish . Where to sweep them off? That happens when you are with your breath. The breath is the agent. The breath is a natural thing. It is happening naturally. Without your intention. Without your interference, it is happening. Like the heartbeat, the breath is also happening. It's a natural kriya in the body. Naturally happening in the body. Now we have become one with the natural happening of the body. Breath observation called as anapanasati. Be with your normal natural. easy, soft, simple, tender, peaceful breath, Everybody has to become a Buddha. The sooner you become a Buddha, the better it is for you. And it's very, very easy to become a Buddha.


Just close your eyes. And become one with your breath. When you close your eyes, you remove yourself from the outside world. . The moment you close your eyes, you are not in the world outside. You are somewhere in the inside. You know that somewhere you are in the inside, but when you are with the breath, you finally find your way in the inside. It happens automatically. First of all you must remove yourself from the outside by closing the eyes. The moment you close the eyes, you will find yourself in the somewhere in the inside. We don't know where. But as you keep on watching your breathing, you will find your way inside. You will reach your destination inside.


Jesus Christ said the Kingdom of God is within. Seek  the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is within. That seeking the Kingdom of God is called a meditation. When you seek the Kingdom of God, you will obtain the Kingdom of God. You will become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. When you have become enlightened, when you become a Buddha, you have become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Jesus beautifully said. The Kingdom of God is within. It's not without. And seek it. Seek the Kingdom of God which is within. And then all else will be added unto you



 Seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness first. First means first. Before everything else. Mam Ekam saranam Raja. Leave out all other duties and seek yourself. Seek the grand eye within yourself. Salvat Darman, forget about everything else. Eating, sleeping. . Every shloka of Bhagavad Gita is talking about the Kingdom of God and the practice of meditation. The breath is the guru. . To enter the Kingdom of God to be with your breath is to initiate yourself. Nobody else initiates you. Nobody can put their hand on your head and initiate you. You have to initiate yourself.. You keep on with this, you will come to yourself until you become a Buddha. And when you become a Buddha, you will automatically commit yourself to the spread of meditation to others. Helping others in their meditation by explaining them about meditation



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