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Meditation in life or meditative life

Meditation in life or meditative life
Meditation in life or meditative life

Most people want to have a successful life first. But there are different opinions about what constitutes a successful life.

Wealth, health, position. power, politics, influence, etc., as the basis of success, but even if we get these things in life, we are not satisfied.

This dissatisfaction creates a quest within us. Some people seek this satisfaction in ways that can cause more suffering. Some seek spiritual paths.

Many people love to learn meditation, which is the basis of spirituality, and do intense practice in it. However, sometimes just by meditating we do not get complete satisfaction in our mind.

Meditation is not just a part of life. The most important thing is how long the peace of mind you get when you do any kind of meditation and how long you do it.

True happiness can only be attained if we live a blissful life within ourselves even when we are not meditating.  

There is no point in meditation being a part of life. We try to live happily even in the time of working. Life itself should become meditation so that we can experience bliss forever.

How does life turn into meditation?  If we are to experience the state of mindlessness experienced in meditation while we are to act, we should not allow the mind to form.

The formation of the mind is only due to past and future memories.

 If we learn to live only in the present, we can live in a state of mindlessness even when we are awake forever.

We must do every activity with full awareness. Do not let the mind be distracted by many memories while working.

The ancients say that the thing that is not disturbed will not be shattered. This is the meaning of our ancestors when they said that every work done has Godliness.

When our entire attention is on our actions, those actions become divine. Nor do we get caught up in the fruits of actions.

We derive the joy of that action itself. Nor do we think of its results.

This is the meaning of Krishna's Gita to do the duty and do not expect results.

 Actions that do not expect results attain its perfection and we who do it are also able to attain complete bliss.

Only then will Ramana Maharshi's philosophy of realizing who I am developed.

As we become mature enough to see our own actions as witnesses, we come to the point where we realize who I am.

When the doer is divided into the doing, the knowledge of distinguishing the doer will appear. The only way to learn to live life as meditation is to qualify to enter the first step to liberation.

Read more blogs through PMC Tamil Website.


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